Monday, March 29, 2010

The American Incident

Shortly after enrollment in the school I had occasion to be standing in a line in a hallway, probably for lunch. The teacher from the third form was walking the line with a meter stick in her hand. I recall she was attractive and wore small glasses. Occasionally she would make a correction and pop the person on the head with the meter stick. She approached me and I looked at her and without warning she swung at me, probably for not looking ahead. I ducked and she slammed her hand into the concrete wall.

I was removed from the line and marched to the Head Masters office to be cained. Caining involved holding out your hands palm up and receiving one or more blows with a thin piece of bamboo. Needless to say I was somewhat worried.

Flt Lt Tucker, the headmaster, asked the theater, "Why is he here?"

“He looked like he was going to cause trouble so I tried to pop him on the head. He ducked and I hit my hand on the wall.” She answered and indeed her knuckles did show a bit of blood.

“Madam,” answered Tucker, “ In this school we do not punish for looking like we are going to cause trouble. As to his ducking, he is an American and that is why they won the revolution!”

1 comment:

  1. That teacher - who seemed old - was actually around 24. She was fond of wacking people with that ruler and got me across the front of my knuckles. She was removed from the school shortly thereafter.
